
May return to prostitution after the outgoing governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger movie(施瓦辛格卸任州长后可能重操旧业拍电影)

According to Reuters, California next week to elect a new governor, a career change from the action film star Arnold Schwarzenegger, a politician stepped down after two months of the post of governor of California once again facing a "job" problem.
Reported that the 63-year-old Schwarzenegger has not revealed his next decision. But the Hollywood industry and political analysts say, has won the bodybuilding champion, have had political experience and actively participate in environmental protection, and in the "Terminator" and "True Lies" and other films starring experience, enough to make him conquer the world.
Hollywood PR guru Bragman told the media: "People still love Arnold. He can choose what he wants. He does not need to prove anything, all the world's money and a chance to let him choose."
Schwarzenegger last week on the network of "next plan is to" make the most detailed answer, he said plans to the entire speech, writing a book or two and continue to fight for environmental protection.
As for the return to prostitution, he said, "It depends on whether someone took a good script and good ideas come to me. I still have patience to stay in the studio, with 3 months or 6 months to shoot a movie."
Schwarzenegger said he recently met with director James Cameron will soon be published in a statement.

