
former president of eBay, invest 140 million U.S. dollars to run for governor(eBay网站前任总裁投入1.4亿美元竞选州长)

According to the British "Times" reported on October 25, to run for the post of governor of California, the world's largest e-commerce site former president of eBay, Meg Whitman, the Republicans have been heavily invested 140 million U.S. dollars, the highest in U.S. history In addition to presidential records outside the maximum election expenses.
According to statistics, there are 17 million registered voters in California, on average, Whitman in the body of each of them to spend more than eight U.S. dollars.Whitman's opponent, Jerry Brown from the Democratic Party took only 2,000 million dollars, Whitman spent 1 / 7. If Whitman successful Hollywood actor Arnold Schwarzenegger as the former governor, then the power will be completed in California, "from Hollywood to Silicon Valley" of the transfer.
Whitman in 2008, before the charge eBay. In her tenure, eBay success among the "Fortune" magazine world top 500 enterprises, while Whitman's net worth has exceeded 10 billion U.S. dollars. Jerry Brown, the Democrats 70 years in the last century has served as governor of California, won the "Moonlight governor," the nickname, and now he was the post of Attorney General of California.
Although Whitman started in the Internet industry, the Internet can also provide an inexpensive platform for election, but in practice, decided to run for TV advertising is still a key element of success. So far, the deep pockets of the Whitman campaign team played a total of 80,000 television advertising, which alone cost as much as $ 80,000,000, which covers Spanish, Mandarin or Cantonese programs.
In addition, people dizzying avalanche of campaign ads: e-mail advertising, brochures, Internet advertising, outdoor billboards, and even cell phone text messages ... ... ads are all over the streets to deliver the same message: Governor Whitman.
Is the so-called extremes meet, the momentum is too vast campaign attracted voters disgusted with some free, they claim that Whitman's ads had been "seriously affected people's lives," so they decided instead to vote for Jerry Brown.
Current California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger will not continue to stand for election this year, the post of governor, because under the state law, the governor up for re-election once. Schwarzenegger came to power because of poor economic work, the public support for his continued falling, some analysts have pointed out that voters may therefore welcome Whitman elected.
Before Whitman, the highest in U.S. history by the current record run their own expense, Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York created. The founder of Bloomberg running for mayor of New York spent about 1.1 billion dollars.

