
Ballmer challenge China flag malicious alteration(鲍尔默挑战中国,五星红旗被恶意涂改 )

October 8, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer at a conference in Madrid, Spain, the public shouted angrily: "Piracy in China" ("China on Piracy"), a very bad influence. Ballmer is not a mind gone mad?
Ballmer this roar, in the United States Trade Center in New York "Fast Company" immediately take the hint, closely follow, posted on its official website defamatory article. The article just below its title, with a lot of the Chinese national flag (with the article banner width), but it faces bright flag had been maliciously altered. In the top right of the flag, the five pointed star with the top left corresponds to a peripheral smear is all black on a white skull head (a symbol of piracy in China), looks very ugly, as people can not accept. One article is published immediately been widely reproduced, the reference frequencies up to more than 1,580 times worldwide, resulting in a very bad influence. See:
1, Microsoft's Steve Ballmer Rails (curse) on "Extreme" Business Piracy in China (by Kit Eator, 10 8 March);
2, Microsoft's Ballmer Calls out (yelling) China onPiracy (10 9 May).
Here, we reprint that side was not directly maliciously altered the five-star red flag. However, the above sentence the article there is worth thinking about: "Ballmer did something most companies don't have the guts (courage) to do: point fingers at China and its government about rampant (rampant) software piracy", meaning here is to say, most companies can not do, Ballmer did, he dares to pointing a finger at China and its government yelled: rampant software piracy in China. With our Chinese proverb, it is this: Ballmer to unload (the piracy problem in our country.) Microsoft is a businessman, Keep Cool, how can we use abusive curse?
October 19, Premier Wen Jiabao chaired a State Council executive meeting, decided to campaign against violations of intellectual property and selling counterfeit and shoddy goods special action, called "government workers to take the lead in the use of legitimate software." Genuine software means the software properly licensed, there are two types: 1, with commercial software authorized, 2, without the pollution free software. What does "take the lead in the use of legitimate software?" This means that office workers have to use Microsoft's Genuine Win 7 it? Ballmer's roaring face (challenge), a direct result of our flag malicious alteration, we can be so "soft services" it? I am not convinced! At noon today, I am a man walk in Tiananmen Square, looking at the flag flying side slightly, looking back to the past, the upsurge of the waves. Now my Ubuntu desktop, but also in the repeated playing of "I Love Beijing Tiananmen" old songs, a myriad of thoughts ,...... I finally decided to prepare for what is "genuine software" to launch a "self-debate" the "Genuine Software" What is meant in the end that a thorough understand. Microsoft's Ballmer is look down our Chinese (government), the courage of the government, pointing fingers and yelled, confused Microsoft (China) is very passive (not the specific work to do internally.) Since Ballmer to unload, then we will "open play" (anti-piracy), but "open play" is not necessarily the result of the heart Ballmer want to get the sort of thing (buy a large number of Microsoft's Genuine Win 7 Genuine Office 2010 and Office packages). Our government officials to use (without pollution) Linux desktop, how to not do it? Some contamination of the Microsoft Office "addiction" to government officials, determined to "rehabilitation" does not have to? Applied to that side of the flag malicious placed in front of these government officials, maybe they know what respect is the "genuine software," the.

108日,微软总裁鲍尔默在西班牙马德里的一次会议上,气急败坏地公开吼叫“盗版的中国”(“China on Piracy”),影响极坏。鲍尔默是不是头脑发疯了?
          鲍尔默这一吼,位于美国纽约的交易中心“Fast Company”立即,紧紧跟上,在其官方网站上刊登诽谤文章该文在其标题的正下方附有一副很大的中国国旗(与文章横幅同宽),但是,这面鲜艳的五星红旗却被恶意涂了。在旗帜的右上方,与左上方的5颗五角星相对应,涂抹上一个外围全是黑色的白色骷髅头像(象征盗版的中国),样子十分丑陋叫人不能接受此文一经发表,立即被广泛转载引用频率高达1,580次,在全球范围内造成了极坏的影响。请见
        1Microsoft's Steve Ballmer Rails(咒骂)on "Extreme" Business Piracy in Chinaby Kit Eator108日);
        2Microsoft's Ballmer Calls out(吼叫) China onPiracy109日)。
         在此,我们不宜直接转载那面被恶意了的五星红旗。但是,上述文章里面有一句话很值得我们思考:”Ballmer did something most companies don't have the guts(勇气) to do: point fingers at China and its government about rampant(猖狂)software piracy“,这里的意思是说,多数公司不敢做的事情鲍尔默做了,他敢于用手指指着中国及其政府大声吼叫猖狂的中国软件盗版。用我们中国的一句俗话来说,那就是:鲍尔默开骂了(就我国盗版问题)。微软是生意人,有话好好说,怎么能动粗骂人
         1019日,国务院总理温家宝主持召开国务院常务会议,决定开展打击侵犯知识产权和制售假冒伪劣商品专项行动,号召“机关工作人员要带头使用正版软件”。正版软件的意思就是经过合法授权的软件,共有两种类型:1、具有合法授权的商业软件,2、未经污染的自由软件什么叫“带头使用正版软件”?这就意味着机关工作人员都要去使用微软的正版Win 7吗?面对鲍尔默的吼叫(挑战),直接造成了我国的五星红旗被恶意涂,我们能这么“服軟”吗?我就不服!今天中午时分,我一个人在天安门广场漫步,看着那面微微飘扬的五星红旗,回想以往心潮翻滚。此刻,我的Ubuntu桌面又在反复播放着“我爱北京天安门”老歌曲,思绪万千......我终于下定决心,准备就什么是“正版软件”开展一场“自我辩论”,把“正版软件”到底指的是什么彻底说个明白。微软鲍尔默很瞧不起我们中国(政府),敢于用手指头指着我国政府大声吼叫弄得微软中国非常被动(国内的具体工作不好做)。既然鲍尔默开骂了,那么我们就“开打”(打击盗版),但是,“开打”的结果未必就是鲍尔默心里面所想要得到的那种东西(大批购买微软的正版Win 7以及正版Office 2010办公软件包)。我们的政府官员使用(未经污染的)Linux桌面怎么就不行?某些沾染了微软Office“毒瘾”的政府官员,下决心“戒毒”不就得了?把那面被恶意涂抹的五星红旗摆在这些政府官员的面前,也许他们就该明白什么是“正版软件”了。

