
Russia Siberian oil field found 3.7 billion barrels of reserves(日俄发现西伯利亚大油田 蕴藏量达3.7亿桶)

BEIJING, Oct. 24 Xinhua METI's oil and gas and metal mining companies (JOGMEC) today announced that the Russian Irkutsk Oil Company (INK) in the three mining areas in eastern Siberia, a large-scale oil and gas fields discovered , recoverable oil reserves estimated at up to 3.7 billion barrels.
Reported that the new oil field is expected to be put into production around 2015, is expected to reduce Japan's energy dependence on the Middle East.
Hong Kong, "Wen Wei Po," Kyodo quoted, "Japanese Economic News" and Japan "Sankei Shimbun" reported that this is the first time in the local success of the Japanese oil exploration. Eastern Siberia has a large undeveloped area, due to the current exploration of the mine just south-east Russia, the initial estimated recoverable reserves of at least 1.1 million barrels. Experts estimate that recoverable reserves of the mine will be 3.7 billion barrels, equivalent to medium-size oil field.
Reports that, the discovery of mining fields in the Irkutsk region, north, and the Middle East compared to light crude oil produced, are of good quality low sulfur content crude oil. Officially put into operation in the field, via the construction of the East Siberia - Pacific Ocean pipeline or tanker export to Japan.
JOGMEC also confirmed that, in the Irkutsk region in the south another two mines, found gas fields. Japanese investment in the three mining areas in 49%, compared with 51% of Russia, Japan to be awarded the same rights and the proportion of capital contribution is estimated to 2014, the two sides will jointly invest 300 million U.S. dollars (about 23 million) funds.
JOGMEC plans to be completed after the exploration, mining 49% of the shares held by the Japanese private oil enterprises management, developed by the Japanese side, Japan's ultimate goal is to provide another outside the Middle East oil and gas sources.

