Ereli's domestic market statistics companies report, in the third quarter just past, Google China's search market share continued to decline, from 27.3% last quarter fell to 24.6%, while the domestic search engine Baidu reached a 72.9% share of the high.
The end of September unilateral Google suddenly stopped seven agents of the agent for Eastern Region, immediately caused an uproar. Allegedly consumed seven ad agencies accounted for 41% of the agents, it is not clear what caused this to Google's direct and indirect effects, perhaps the next quarter's figures is the best answer.
Last Tuesday, the head of Google China, said Foreign Liu Yun said: China is still a very important market for Google.
via ft
The end of September unilateral Google suddenly stopped seven agents of the agent for Eastern Region, immediately caused an uproar. Allegedly consumed seven ad agencies accounted for 41% of the agents, it is not clear what caused this to Google's direct and indirect effects, perhaps the next quarter's figures is the best answer.
Last Tuesday, the head of Google China, said Foreign Liu Yun said: China is still a very important market for Google.
via ft
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