
Qinhuangdao Beidaihe————Tourist Attractions in China(秦皇岛北戴河——中国旅游景点介绍)

Tickets for the opening hours:10 yuan
Transportation Overview:
Beidaihe 380 kilometers from Beijing, Tianjin, 243 kilometers away from the traffic is quite convenient. Beidaihe by 5 from the bus station or from Qinhuangdao railway station by bus 34 to the Beidaihe seaside station get off.Attractions Description:
A pulse of Castle Peak, the mountain of light Jicui; puddle of clear water with green color. Beidaihe beach and beautiful environment, beautiful scenery. Scenic west is pretty Mineyama graceful, green mountains, lush vegetation. Every summer and autumn, the mountain vegetation pet onions, flowers, a variety of evergreen pines and cypresses. Day River, such as training, winding along the foot of the mountain into the sea. A number of cultural relics in the mountains, rocks strange cave clouds, pavilions and villas shaded by a variety of styles in which picturesque. Long genteel south coast, fine quality Pohuan, soft sand and calm, good water quality, salinity is moderate. Coast opened more than 30 private and public beach, the sea for tourists deflated play and enjoy sea bathing, sand bath, solarium provides an ideal place. Pigeon nest park east, is the view of the sunrise, watching the tide in the best position. Every morning, tourists will get here early, enjoy to watch the spectacular sunrise and enjoy the ebb and flow of the spectacle. Along the coastline inward, more Qin palace, Beidaihe movie, strange Wonderland floor, Kingsoft mouth, Ocean Park and other styles, different characteristics of the distribution of tourist attractions, and many of the middle of the street dotted with parks and gardens, mountains, sea, flowers, which set off all kinds of wooden construction with each other, constitute a beautiful and harmonious landscape.Beidaihe beach, is a strict natural world of Eden.

Qinhuangdao Shanhaiguan————Tourist Attractions in China(秦皇岛山海关——中国旅游景点介绍)

Tickets for the opening hours:
5 to 10 月份 price in other months the price 40 yuan 35 yuan Tel: (0335) 5051957Transportation Overview:
Can take the 25 bus, get off at the Shanhaiguan station.Attractions Description:
Located 15 km east of Qinhuangdao City, built in the Ming Dynasty (1381), is the most eastern end of the Great Wall, is a complete defense system Chengguan, has historically been an important military fortress. Tour to visit the East Gate Shanhaiguan mainly Zhenyuan floor, which is "best in the world." This gate about 13 meters high, is divided into upper and lower levels, nice shape, majestic dignity, board tower, one side is the blue waves of the sea, one side is the Great Wall winding stretch, it is pride Dunsheng. West of the upper floor eaves, hanging a "first pass" board, was written by Xiao Ming Dynasty calligrapher, strong strokes Emotion, and the tower regulation seamless. Shanhaiguan tower in the vicinity of the Great Wall also has a museum, exhibition and cultural history related to Shanhaiguan Great Wall, military activities and cultural relics.

Shanhaiguan Great Wall of Cape Mount-——--Tourist Attractions in China(山海关角山长城)

Tickets for the opening hours:17 yuan / person
Attractions Description:
Cape Mount, located 3 kilometers north of the city Shanhaiguan, large flat-topped peak elevation of 519 meters, a huge and towering, like the dragon horn, it was famed mountain. Cape Mount area of mountain, city, temple as a whole. Imitation of Ming Dynasty castle door is designed architectural form, its shape like a "mountain" is used.Is the amount of "Cape Mount Wall" plaque is a former vice premier, Huang Hua, China Great Wall Society wrote, back the amount of "clear water Xiongfeng DOUBLE_QUOTATION plaque for the contemporary poet He Jingzhi mine. A poem:" Since ancient times, the closed city of Insurance to do No insurance strategic pass in the Cape Mount, "proves Cape Mount of strategic importance. Cape Mount Wall of the Ming Liaodong town and thistle town of two military center of the line, built enemy units, combat units five, pass one. stood Cape Mount peak Ohira top of looked over, it Thinking back to the year the ancient battlefield drums thundering, swords of the magnificent scene. Cape Mount there is a place of deep quiet and graceful temple - Qi Xian Temple. calligrapher Siu Hin Ming, Chan Wing assistant minister left the Ministry of War to monitor Censor and so have been dwelling here Zheng, concentrated study, which here as the "cradle of Shanhaiguan culture", and the construction of Kuixing Court. people like classical literature, you can feel here the year Shaw was so read it slowly and study hard scenarios. angle view of the sunrise Peak is the ideal place, where you can see the "Ruilian holding Day" spectacular. summer rainy season tour Qixian Temple, you may encounter, "Temple Taiqing towering force, under the rain on Fangqing. Pre-order overlooking the dragon fight, the Sun and Moon hanging outside the threshold, "the spectacle.

Chengde Mountain Resort——-Tourist Attractions in China(承德避暑山庄 )

Tickets for the opening hours:
Tickets: season tickets 90 November 1 -2 season tickets 28 March 1 120 31 -10 hours :8:00-17: 30 tips: 1. Villa around the hotel a lot, inside the Villa poor and the prices of your hotel, if it is admitted in order to save there is no need for tickets, the only advantage is that you can enjoy night view Villa. &
Transportation Overview:
Summer Resort in Chengde City area, easily accessible from Chengde railway station, bus by 5,7,11,15 up. 5 yuan taxi start, the locals are not used to play table, usually in urban areas to the summer resort at any point less than 10 yuan.
Attractions Description:
Located in the northern city of Chengde, China's largest remaining classical imperial garden. Villa was built in 1703, and it took 89 years to be completed, covering 5.64 million square meters, equivalent to twice the Summer Palace, Beihai Park, a big eight. She not only scale, but also in the master plan layout and landscape architecture design has taken advantage of the natural landscape of the original landscape features and advantages, to learn the Tang, Song and Ming dynasties garden tradition of excellence and the creation of Southern Gardens experience to be integrated, to improve, the garden art and technology into an unprecedented high level, as the highest example of Chinese classical gardens. Villa palace building layout can be divided into two major scenic areas and Garden, Garden area can be divided into Lakes, plains and mountains of three parts. Emperor Qian Long Qin given within 72 King. Villa is located south of the palace area, including the "main palace", "Songhe vegetarian," "myriad pines" and the "Orient House" (already destroyed) four groups of buildings. Palace is a palace area is the main building, including nine courtyards, divided into "former", "sleep" in two parts. The main hall is called "Dan Bo Keswick", built with precious Phoebe, Phoebe is also called the house. This is the place where affairs of state control Qing emperors, all the grand ceremony also held here. Although there is no lake at the Summer Palace Kunming Lake that big, but the scattered islands, Long Beach and Island lake is divided into five lakes, the lake bridge there similarities between the two sides of trees, appears to have caused twists and turns, beautiful and more posture. Most of the Lake District landscape architecture is modeled on the construction of South of the attractions, such as "Yanyu Lou" is the South Lake in Jiaxing, Zhejiang Yanyu Lou mimic the shape of repair. Jinshan Islands in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu imitate the layout of Jinshan. A piece of plain area is mainly grassland and woods. Then there are million trees park, the park has a several different specifications of the twenty-yurt. The largest one is the Royal tent yurt, is a temporary palace of Emperor Qianlong of ethnic minorities often summoned the nobility of this, religious leaders and foreign diplomats. December 1994, the Summer Resort is the World Heritage List.

传 Google 联合三星打造的 Nexus Two 叫做 Nexus S,细节泄露

Nexus S 假想图
Nexus Two的消息已经铺天盖地,连意淫图都有了。现在又有了新的说法,Nexus Two只是粉丝们一厢情愿的叫法,既然Google CEO Eric Schmidt之前说过他们不会再制作Nexus Two手机,那么他一定要遵守诺言,于是Google跟三星联手打造的新机会被称为Nexus S──因为其确实很像三星之前的Android手机Galaxy S
目前可以确定的细节,包括前置摄像头、4英寸AMOLED显示屏幕,拥有跟Galaxy S一样纤细的身段,内凹的屏幕,弯曲的背壳,搭载Android 2.3 Gingerbread操作系统。
文章转载自:谷奥——探寻谷歌的奥秘 [http://www.guao.hk]

Google 为美国中期选举推出适合移动设备观看的网页

美国中期选举将于11月2日拉开帷幕,Google除了早早就发布了大选动态地图以外,刚刚又制作了适合移动设备观看的Google Election Center网页(m.google.com/elections),方便选民随时随地了解选情,以及查找距离自己最近的投票站。
文章转载自:谷奥——探寻谷歌的奥秘 [http://www.guao.hk]

Nexus Two 综合报道:神秘人物上手体验,通过 FCC,现身访问记录

Nexus Two 假想图。
看来大家都对传说中的 Google Phone 很有好感,Nexus Two 的传闻愈演愈烈了:一位神秘人物联系了 Gizmodo ,声称他已经把玩过这款最新的 Android 手机:
当我在10码外看到这个手机时,我还以为是三星的 Galaxy S。当得知这个是 Nexus Two 后,我震精了,因为它和 Nexus One 太不一样了。
机身采用了黑又亮的塑料外壳,屏幕是和 Galaxy S 系列一样的4英寸 AMOLED。从侧面看屏幕有一些内凹,而屏幕边缘则很硬,这样的设计应该是为了保护屏幕。手机背后有一定的弧度,让 Nexus Two 看起来比 Galaxy S 要薄一些,但是实际上这两个厚度可能差不多。总之,非常像 Galaxy S。
说到和 Galaxy S 的最大区别,那肯定是前置摄像头了。我们知道 Android 很快就会内置视频通话功能,所以前置摄像头应该是未来 Android 手机的标配。这台 Nexus Two 内置的软件 bug 多多,应该是测试版的原因。
总体看来,这款新手机并没有 Nexus One 亮相时那么的的惊艳,大家可以将其理解为是 Galaxy S 的一个改进版。
果然有些失望,不过我想大家最关心的是这款手机到底是不是由 Google 直接支持,要知道现在 Galaxy S 系列还困在 Android 2.1 升不上来呢。
另外有人在 FCC 的网站上也发现了蛛丝马迹,三星一款型号为 GT-i9010 的手机刚刚通过了检测。之前 Galaxy S 的型号是 GT-i9000,新的型号显然是一个 Galaxy S 的小改款,这非常符合神秘人物上手体验中的相关描述。另外 wi-fi.org 上我们也可以看到这款手机的信息
不过在 Androidandme 的网站留言中另外一位声称已经拿到 Nexus Two 的液内说 GT-i9010 是另外一款手机,真正的 Nexus Two 硬件要比 Galaxy S 强大的多,比如说处理器主频是 1.2 GHz 的。他同时还觉得 Nexus Two 的设计比 Galaxy S 性感多了。
根据以前新版 Android 发布前的经验,肯定会有相应的设备在各大网站的访问记录中留下蛛丝马迹,这次当然也不例外。国外的 Android 网站 Androidandme 和 Androidcentral 都在 Google Analytics 中发现了 Android 2.3 Gingerbread 的身影,Androidcentral 的访问记录中甚至还出现了 3.0.1,这个有点离谱了。。。
随后我登陆了 Analytics 看了一下谷奥近几天的访客操作系统,如上图,果然也有惊喜啊。。。
文章转载自:谷奥——探寻谷歌的奥秘 [http://www.guao.hk]

Flickr 开始支持使用 Google 帐号登录

以前大家如果想用 flickr 的话一定要申请一个 Yahoo 账户,但是这个账户在现在看来除去用 flickr 实在没有啥别的用处。今天起 flickr 开放了使用 Google 帐号通过 OpenID 登录的功能,也就是说大家可以使用自己的 Gmail用户名和密码注册 flickr 用户了。
比较遗憾的是现有 flickr 用户还是需要使用 Yahoo 账户登录,无法和 Google 账户进行关联,希望 flickr 在未来可以推出这个功能,让不想用 Yahoo 其他服务的用户彻底摆脱 Yahoo 账户。
文章转载自:谷奥——探寻谷歌的奥秘 [http://www.guao.hk]


Google Logo 2010
Google Logo 2010
Google Logo 2010
Google Logo 2010
Google Logo 2010
原始图片 url:
去年一样,今天的万圣节 doodle 也搞了个连环画,而且还是有剧情的,egg 比较 pain 的读者可以尝试给配上对白。。。
万圣节(HALLOWEEN)为每年的11月1日,源自古代塞尔特民族(Celtic)的新年节庆,此时也是祭祀亡魂的时刻,在避免恶灵甘扰的同时,也以食物祭拜祖灵及善灵以祈平安渡过严冬,是西方传统节日。当晚小孩会穿上化妆服,戴上面具,挨家挨户收集榶果。主要流行于英语世界,如不列颠群岛和北美,其次是澳大利亚和新西兰。现在,一些亚洲国家的年轻一辈,也开始倾向于过“洋节”,到了万圣节前夕,一些大型外资超市都会摆出专柜卖万圣节的玩具,小商贩也会出售一些跟万圣节相关的玩偶或模型,吸引了年轻人的眼光。美国明尼苏达州的 Anoka 号称是“世界万圣节之都”,每年都举行大型的巡游庆祝。

 文章转载自:谷奥——探寻谷歌的奥秘 [http://www.guao.hk]

【快乐周末】在万圣夜把你的 Google Earth 变成南瓜

万圣节周末,有个三俗版 Android 机器人南瓜还不够给力?那就把 Google Earth 中的地球也变成一个南瓜吧!方法非常简单,下载这个 KML 文件即可。当然达到最佳效果,请在 View –> Atmosphere 里面关闭 atmosphere,并且在 Layers 列表里面不要勾选 Borders & Labels。
另外 Google 的 Street View 三轮车曾经在巴黎的 Disneyland 捕捉到一位神奇的南瓜头,点击这里前去围观。
via gearth
文章转载自:谷奥——探寻谷歌的奥秘 [http://www.guao.hk]


Huangguoshu Falls——Tourist Attractions in China(黄果树瀑布——中国旅游景点介绍)

Tickets for the opening hours:
Season: 180 (March 1 to October 31), low season: 160 (November 1 to February 28 next year), tickets include Huangguoshu, Tianxing Qiao, steep pond; Great Falls area escalator : Two-way: 50 yuan / person * times; one-way 30 yuan / person * times; scenic green car ticket price: 50 yuan / person * times; Tram: 10 yuan / person * times Dan Touzhai area: 40 yuan / person * times Dragon Cave attractions: 70 yuan / person * times Huangguoshu drift: 158 yuan / person * times Transportation Overview:
1, can be the terminal station in Guiyang tour buses can take day trips along your yellow lane highway to 2 hours only. 60 per round trip. 2, you can also sit in the stadium's long-distance bus station to the Anshun, Yutong large air-conditioned car 15. To Anshun after the ride to get off the CMB Huangguoshu, 6 yuan fare no air conditioning.

Attractions Description:
Huangguoshu Falls 77.8 meters high, wide and 101.0 meters, is China's largest waterfall, is one of the world famous Great Falls. Zhenning in Anshun City, Guizhou Province, Buyi and Miao Autonomous County on the White Water River. Widely distributed around the karst, river width and swift rivers, mountain peaks, imposing, always connecting Yunnan and Guizhou provinces, the main channel. The existing road through Yunnan and Guizhou. White Water River flows through the river bed local time off the completion of nine waterfalls, Huangguoshu is the largest one. Waterfall 30 meters wide (up to 40 m in summer), fall 66 meters, the flow of more than 2,000 cubic meters per second. The waters rose, claiming one of the world famous Great Falls. Guan Baoting built opposite the waterfall, visitors can watch the surging river in booth Pentium direct vent rhino Lake. Jumping drops more than 90 meters high, formed near the curtain at the height of summer to this, the heat totally disappeared. After the waterfall cliff into a concave hole, called "Water Curtain Cave", the hole 20 meters deep, the cave shelter year-round waterfall, you can get a glimpse inside the window curtain of shengjing natural. Another perspective Falls It is based on a common local plant "Huangguoshu" named after. Great Falls, with its magnificent grand, comic known for clouds of falls at home and abroad, is magnificent. And enjoy "the first waterfall" reputation. Huangguoshu scenic area located in the western tourist center of Guizhou Anshun City, 45 kilometers southwest, Zhenning Buyi and Miao Autonomous County, northeast from the provincial capital of Guiyang City, Guizhou Province 150 kilometers, with Yunnan-Guizhou railway, six double-track railway lines, Huangguoshu Airport, 320 National Road, you ( Yang) Yellow (fruit) highway through the whole territory, the new Qing (town) Yellow (fruit) direct access to scenic highway. Huangguoshu Falls area as the center, waterfalls, caves, underground lakes as the main body. Famous Huangguoshu Falls, is the first attraction in Guizhou, China's largest waterfall, is the world's most spectacular waterfalls on large one. Huangguoshu Falls scenic area (77.8 meters high, wide and 101.0 m) as the center, using Global Positioning System (GPS) and other scientific means, the largest waterfall in Asia measured Huangguoshu Falls --- the actual height of 77.8 meters, which the main waterfall 67 meters high; waterfall 101 meters wide, of which the main waterfall top width of 83.3 meters. , The distribution of male, odd, dangerous, show the size of the 18 different styles Falls waterfall forming a huge "family" was World 吉尼斯总部 as the world's largest waterfalls, included in the Guinness Book of World Records. Huangguoshu Falls Huangguoshu Waterfall is the most spectacular waterfalls, is the world's only from the top, bottom, front, rear, left and right view of the Falls of six directions, but also through the natural world and can have shuiliandong from outside the cave to listen to, view, touch the waterfall. Xu Ming visits a great trip Great Falls praise: "The collapse pound jade beads, spray anti-Chung, such as smoke vacated, it was a very grand; the so-called 'through the curtain hook is not volume, Pilian linked to remote peaks', both not to be The strong also, many times those who have the high and steep, and no such broad, from big to. " October 23, 2005, ranking the most beautiful place in China published in Beijing. The event is organized by "National Geographic", organized in association with the national media, 34 "China's most beautiful places" contest, which lasted 8 months, a total of Ping Chu, "Academy of Experts Group", "from the group of big media" and "network phone Popular group "three awards. "Media Group" and "popular group" were to the media and friends to vote, to vote the way mobile phone users in 12 different award-winning local produce. By the Chinese National Geography magazine carefully written introduction of the "Academy of Experts Group" award is unique, into the mountains, lakes, forests, grasslands, deserts, landform, islands, coast, waterfalls, glaciers, valleys, urban, rural town tourism caves, wetlands and other 15 types. China selected the six most beautiful waterfalls, Huangguoshu among them. Huangguoshu Falls Huangguoshu Waterfall in Guizhou Province, Guizhou highland of Zhenning, Guanling Buyi and Miao Autonomous County, away from Guiyang City, about 150 km. It is the charm of the 18 waterfalls of varying sizes, of which the most beautiful Huangguoshu Falls spectacular, it is referred to as Huangguoshu Waterfall. Huangguoshu Waterfall due not only to the various waterfalls distinctive charm, looks very beautiful, called the world's most typical and the most spectacular karst waterfalls, but also in its development around the many karst caves, karst cave inside the cave, a variety of landscape development to form a well-known underground world of Guizhou, has a great tourism value, so the State Council has approved the Huangguoshu Waterfall as the first batch of national key scenic development area. Can be expected, then after a time, with the further development of Huangguoshu Waterfall, Guizhou Province in China and South Africa will become the world's one of the most famous waterfalls resort. Huangguoshu Falls: Huangguoshu Waterfall located in southwestern Guizhou Province, surrounded by waterfalls one after another, eighteen waterfall styles, mix, form a large waterfall family. Huangguoshu Falls as the "Waterfall" in the most spectacular waterfalls, 77.8 meters high, wide and 101.0 meters. "Huangguoshu Falls is the world's only available from the top, bottom, front, rear, left and right position to watch the six waterfalls, the only shuiliandong the world (134 meters) of natural through and can listen from the inside out , view, touch the waterfall. Huangguoshu Falls Introduction Rhino Lake: Falls from height spilled down, spend months and years, the impact into a pit, a rhino from the lake shore legend, hence the name "rhinoceros Lake."

Main area
Star attractions
Star Huangguoshu scenic spot area is the development of a new feature-rich area, is located downstream of six public at Huangguoshu Falls. Including natural bonsai area, Star King and the water hole region Shilin District.
Natural bonsai area Natural bonsai area is a large piece of Star Tianshengqiao on the scenic Stone Forest. There is diffuse large and small basins and dams, and a natural, large and small rocks, water, stone bonsai. Winding stone path, walking through stone walls, stone trench, crevice, through until the curbs on bonsai. Tour along the trail, the rise is the King, bow is the King, around, everywhere you into the scene, as if to heaven wonderland, underground maze. The famous landscape: the number of students step ring tunnel, Tianshui line, ethereal, fairy hawk back to the nest, the eight King, Star photo video, Evergreen Gap, Tatu sad, crooked comb stone, roots rock, Yuanyang Teng , beauty Rong, the vicissitudes of life, the day Star Lake and so on.

Star Cave Scenic Spot Star Star Cave area in the middle area, the main risk landscape Star pool next to the hole in the banks. Formation inside the cave, a number of halls and side rooms, each room has its own features. Office of the biggest one is 50 meters, 150 meters in diameter, an area of about 1.8 million square meters. In the bright lights of the walls of the Qifengyishi among the 4 pillars leading to root carving flower sky, each pillar 20 meters in height. Health column stone flowers, such as carved phoenix Diao, beautiful color. Many wonders of the cave is another cave not to see. Other major attractions are: Star Pavilion, Tianxing Qiao, thin strip of sky, take the pool, look back to stone. Water Shilin district in the lower area along the Star-dong 1-km scenic walk down the stone path stone steps, you can reach. Built along the river road, down a path along the cliff and water can enjoy. False paths on both sides of the tree Sterculia many, so called trail Sterculia. There are many natural banyan tree bonsai, bonsai side of a stone articles, stone bench for visitors to rest. Stone Forest also grows among large and small cactus and a variety of flowers and shrubs, dotted with shade throughout the year. The so-called "stone on the water, water with stone, stone and long on the tree", if not personally see it, is unbelievable. The main landscape: rattan wonders, the three trees one and group meetings Yung, root Wang Tianxing Qiao Shi Lin shoots, water stone forest, among which a landscape is a tourist must dos, and that is "beautiful Yung," "beauty Rong "is a banyan tree branch entwined, at first glance, like a upside down naked girls just Bathing, in order to avoid the eyes of visitors, shyly covering his face with his hands, not allowing people to see her true.
Silver Pendant Lake Falls Silver Lake Falls and star pendant were also at the Water Gap Waterfall the left and right sides of the stone forest. Huangguoshu Falls in the group, it is neither a high to win, not based on wide or large amazing, but I think silver pendant Lake is the most touching. Take the leap from the ground baishuihe pool, like a dragon-like roll, rushed all the way forward Dan Fenyong hit the tree, but suddenly encountered a great extinction tunnel, a huge water tank owned by Kazuma trend, the fall rush dissolved Lake, forever lost in the underground. This falls into the funnel-shaped top, the bottom of the trough-shaped melting pool. Uplift along the surface of the lake stone package, like one by one under the cover of the lotus, staggered even ride the river on each piece of leaf surface evenly spread, indulge overflow, like the ten million small and large silver chain, to the center contraction, sometimes sinking to the ground, and sometimes rushed Okawa. At the end of the water is a place called Pearl Spring, Baishuihe dive from here the ground is soft the waves over the whole of stone, roll into a dolphin in the rock surface crystal pearls.
Gap area off the foot Hit the state in the lower reaches of the river Huangguoshu, with more than forty kilometers away Huangguoshu Falls. This sharp rise in the mountain, on a cliff, into the sky, the terrain strongly seven hundred meters deep, the river suddenly drops, forming a total drop of one hundred twenty meters of the three waterfalls. State River will play White Water River, King River II, Baling River, off the foot bridge into the gorge River Falls, is the Huangguoshu Waterfall the largest waterfall in the water. Dark Longtan Lake (Anshun Long house) the gantry waterfalls, and high fourteen meters, sound like thunder, the magnificent, called the highest underground waterfall. Tianchi it underwater, dark lake trinity, composed of the perfect underwater landscape. Huangguoshu ancient village spot
Huangguoshu is the Buyi and Miao settlement, is full of unique stone building. Dan Touzhai Huangguoshu near the hometown of the famous batik, talc post is the first protection Buyi village. There are many places of interest near Huangguoshu to "eternal mystery" of the most famous Red Rock monument, in addition to the relationship remains legend Dan Sanguo cable Ling, Kong Mingtang, Happy Valley Springs, Yushu floor, and so on. Area in recent years invested millions of dollars under the scenic waterfalls in the Huangguoshu placed a large lamp and large-scale laser show system. Night Huangguoshu Falls, standing on the edge Phantom blurred paradise, do not have some fun, the old dragon in the cage next to the waterfall area, a rock cluster strange, winding streets. Parks within the Forest of Stone Tablets, men of letters written over the years a deep feeling of Huangguoshu. Huangguoshu waterfall beautiful scenery, very early for people to enjoy. Huangguoshu Falls, ancient baishuihe Falls, also known as Ficus virens Falls, yellow or yellow Ge Ge Shu tree waterfall waterfall. Early years of the Ming Dynasty Hongzhi's "Guizhou Maps of the new blog" in there written records, after the Jiajing's "Annals of Guizhou", "Guizhou Spring Chi" and "Chi Guizhou spots" and are recorded. The great traveler Xu Ming is Huangguoshu Falls made more vivid and detailed description of science.
Huangguoshu scenic Festivals 1, Huangguoshu Falls Festival Huangguoshu Falls Festival 2005 opening to 2004 Huangguoshu scenic area in Guizhou, China successfully held the Huangguoshu Falls Festival has been held every year since, expanding the foreign influence in Guizhou, improve the visibility and reputation of Tourism to promote eco-tourism, ethnic cultural and the combination of red tourism, promote the accelerated development of red tourism in Guizhou. After several years of efforts to fight the Huangguoshu Falls Festival festival national brands, to achieve a Huangguoshu as a leader, to speed up the strategic objectives of tourism development in Guizhou, Guizhou to the country, to the world, let the country know of Guizhou, Guizhou, let the world know . ◆ Fall Festival organizing principles: (1) government-led, market, business association; (2) to highlight the features, to create the image, publicity Guizhou; (3) upper and lower linkage, social participation, results-oriented; (4) Travel up the stage, the economy singing, and promote development. 2, "June 6" Buyi Cultural Festival "June 6" Buyi Cultural Festival Opening Ceremony, "June 6" is the Buyi people's traditional festival, the area of residence is different from the date of the holidays is not uniform, some areas sixth days of the festival in June, called the June 6; have "June 6" opening ceremony of the Regional Cultural Festival on June 16 or June 26 Lunar New Year, known as June or June Street Bridge. Buyi people attach great importance to this festival, there was "little in," said. Festive season, the villages have chickens slaughtered pigs, made of triangular flags with the white, stained with chicken blood or blood, inserted in the cropland, the legends do, "Pegasus" (locusts) will not come food crops. Festival in the morning, a few respected by the village for the elderly, young adults, led the traditional ceremony held in the ancient pots, sweeping Walled drive "ghost" activities. In addition to those who participate in worship, the other men and women, according to the habit of Buyi, must dress in national costume, with sticky rice, poultry meat and watery liquor, to Zhaiwai hill "hide Mountain" (the local Han people, said June field for the catch). After worship, led by the deacon drive us to the Village each sweep "Ghost" and "hide mountains," said old people singing in the Zhaiwai today, and a variety of recreational activities. Huangguoshu scenic Huangguoshu to organize in 2007, "June 6" Buyi cultural festival, aimed at digging through festivals and accumulation Buyi culture, and culture for the Huangguoshu scenic brand building, development of cultural tourism services, while in the country and create a have influence in the international tradition of Buyi ethnic festivals, Guizhou and even the promotion of Chinese culture and the deepening of Huangguoshu scenic tourism brand to function and role of blending to achieve symbiotic human and cultural tourism.
Huangguoshu specialty Huangguoshu Falls in the name of Guizhou Huangguoshu cigarettes cigarette factory, there are different levels of packaging A local fruit, yellow fruit, absorbing the natural spirituality Huangguoshu waterfall and water, fruit golden yellow fruit, slightly sweet and sour flavor, moisture adequate Accumulation area in the Miao, batik and embroidery are more famous. Wave sugar, also known as wave crisp. It is sweet, facilitation, known as "off the mouth of cakes." Main feature is fragrant, sweet, crisp, color Zemai yellow. Nothing left for food within the mouth of the fragrance of sesame.
Huangguoshu best time to travel Middle of winter, cold in most parts of Guizhou Province, the north wind blows, but still within the Huangguoshu scenic tree-lined, vibrant. Huangguoshu suitable for tourism seasons, the best tourist season for the autumn and summer. Huangguoshu Falls subtropical area, is a typical karst area 600-1500 meters above sea level, beautiful scenery and mild climate, abundant rainfall, annual rainfall of 1,300 mm or more; located in low-lying areas in western Guizhou, low altitude, year-round frost-free, The annual average temperature 14-160C; winter cold and summer without Ku Shu is cold Bishu resort, suitable for tourism seasons. However, the summer rainy season in autumn Huangguoshu Falls most spectacular scenery hours. Then Huangguoshu waterfall 67 meters high, top width of 84 meters, reaching a record year. I saw the water roaring torrent, the river section from the layer of rolling down, sound like thunder, the magnificent, the skies and earth, and engaging. In the dry season, with reduced water flow, waterfall smaller number, this time despite another round of beautiful scenes, but the waterfall scene in the shade.
Huangguoshu Travel Notes
Sure to bring an umbrella, even though it will not rain, near the waterfall is also a "rain day" in the.
To a lot of money. Four scenic spots, very far apart, tickets are available for two days. Another car had to pay. In addition, there are other attractions that area, you can go play.