
Solar system, eight unique landscape(太阳系中8个独一无二的景观)

Recently a new book describes a number of unique feature of the solar system, it is surprising that some of them on it was close.
1, run the opposite direction Triton:1、反方向运行的海卫一:

太阳系所有的行星运行的轨道都朝着一个方向:即观测者在北半球面对太阳的反时针方向。同样地,太阳系中所有的大个儿卫星运行的轨道都与其他天体一样,围绕 着它们各自的主行星做同方向的绕日运行,除了一个例外:崔顿(Triton)海卫一),它是海王星最大卫星,它绕行的方向与其它大行星相反。一些研究者提 出,崔顿应该不是与海王星同时形成的,它应该是被海王星的引力从矮行星的双星系统中俘获的,在此过程中,另一颗行星被甩掉。上图是海王星和崔顿的照片,是 旅行者2号探测器(Voyager 2 probe)在1989年掠过海王星系统时所拍摄。
Solar system all planets orbit in one direction are: the observation of the sun in the northern hemisphere face the anti-clockwise direction. Similarly, all the big guys in the solar system orbit satellites and other celestial bodies are the same, around their respective planets to do with the main direction of running around the day, with one exception: Triton (Triton) Triton), it is Neptune's largest satellite, which bypass the opposite direction and the other planets. Some researchers have suggested that Triton and Neptune at the same time should not be formed, it should be from the dwarf planet Neptune's gravity captured the binary system, in this process, to be rid of another planet.The figure is pictures of Neptune and Triton, is the Voyager 2 probe (Voyager 2 probe) passing in 1989, captured by Neptune system.
2、火星上的恶魔力量2, Mars demonic power

在大卫 贝克(David Baker)和托德拉特克利夫(Todd Ratcliff)的新书《在我们的太阳系中50个最特别的环境》中为火星尘暴命名为“太阳系中最极端的真空吸尘器”。由于火星上的低压和地面重力,尘土 飞扬的漩涡比地球上的尘暴和龙卷风都高,它们能达到珠穆朗玛峰的高度并拥有300公里每小时的速度。
David Baker (David Baker) and 托德拉特克 Leaf (Todd Ratcliff) new book "In our solar system in the 50 most special environments" for Martian dust storms called "the most extreme in the solar system's vacuum cleaner." As the Mars surface low pressure and gravity, the swirl of dust than dust storms and tornadoes on Earth are high, they reach Mount Everest's height and speed of 300 km per hour.
3, Mercury as reduced soil3、水星就像缩泥

水星,太阳系中最靠近太阳的行星,表面呈现出由于压力而造成的逆断层陡坎(thrust scarps)地貌,这种地貌呈现出阶梯状特征。在这张照片中间,一个弯曲的悬崖清晰可见。它们遍布水星的表面,表明整个水星曾经历了一次收缩,因为水星 的 核心在以前冷却过一次,并可能现在还在冷却,所以,它的半径可能曾达到6000千米。最近的观测显示,地球的卫星月亮,也曾经经历过类似的收缩,只不过规 模比水星小得多。
Mercury, the solar system planet closest to the sun, the surface appeared as a result of pressure thrust fault scarps (thrust scarps) landscape, this landscape shows ladder-like features. In the middle of this photo, a curved cliff clearly visible. They are all over the surface of Mercury, that the Mercury has experienced a contraction, as Mercury's core is cooling once before, and may now still cooling, so it may have reached a radius of 6,000 km. Recent observations show that Earth's satellite, the moon, have also experienced similar contraction, but a much smaller scale than Mercury.

